Typical Days

Typical Days: The Spirit!

Morning! We've been busy busy wrapping up work before we go on tour, so it's been a little insane around here. However! We found some time to record our little beloved podcast... which I must say, we've done a great job at keeping up with. YAY US. We talk about how we got into the Christmas spirit and Ron tells a story about naked pie eating. Y

Typical Days: The Spirit!

Typical Days: Shop Local Saturday!

Morning! Hope you had lots of turkey or tofurkey and whatever sides you love the most! To me, the sides are probably the best part, but I am pretty damn proud of the bird that I cook. If you want to look over that, go visit this little post from last year where I talk turkey (fo real).

We don't really participate in black Friday at this house, but we DO participate in finding the perfect Christmas tree, so that's how we spent our post-thanksgiving Friday. However, today is Shop Local/Shop Small Saturday and I'm more than happy to comply with that made up holiday. Shopping local has become very trendy and I am thrilled for it. New York made me into a minimalist, so basically every purchase I make now is something I truly want and care about. Really doesn't get any better than locally made goods. Luckily Nashville has some amazing artisans and I just fell right in love with them! Here are my favorites if you're on the hunt for some gifts for yourself or your most-loved!

Typical Days: Shop Local Saturday!

Typical Days: Weekly Recap

Hello my loves!

Another busy week done and done! We're back in New York for the next week... we've got meetings, a music video shoot, tour rehearsals and two weddings! I have a few moments of quiet in the hotel before I have to start running around so I thought I'd take this opportunity to share a little bit of the past week. 

Typical Days: Weekly Recap

Typical Days: October // Fall Loves

So if you read my last post, you know that it's been a bit crazy around here. I mean, really, when is it not, but we have gone overboard even for ourselves! Ahhh, we are idiots. If you are interested in what's going on work-wise, you should listen to Popecast #3 up on Soundcloud! The podcast has been such a fun little side-project for us. It's neat getting to interact with Ron's fans on a more regular basis. 

Typical Days: October // Fall Loves

Mild Rant: Damned if you do, damned if you don't (Girl Boss edition)

Ok, so this is not a place where I normally do this, but I'm going to respond to something that's been making the media rounds lately & has made me feel slightly uncomfortable. I hadn't been able to put my finger on exactly what the feeling was until just moments ago... but that's it. I'm uncomfortable with the whole thing. 

Mild Rant: Damned if you do, damned if you don't (Girl Boss edition)

Lately: Studio Peeks

It's been basically all studio days and nights here lately. I usually pop by once a day to see what they're working on... and the rest of the time I relish in the silence that is my house when Ron isn't here. I MEAN I SIT AROUND MISSING RON'S VOICE. I kid, of course. I do miss that stinker when he isn't around asking questions and thinking of things to write on his white board. 

Procrastinator Gift Guide: Musician's Wife/Manager ("Wifager") Edition

I started to name this "rockstar's wife edition" but I realized that I hate the term "rockstar" and would never want you to think I was referring to myself. Rockstars in their truest form barely exist these days... but that's another discussion for another time all together! For now, let's chat about what's on my dream Valentine's wish list if I were actually to have one. 

Georgia: A Little Update

Hello my little dears. Hope all is well since we last spoke and that you're all carrying on with your resolutions. Mine are a little mehhhhh if I'm being real, real honest. Apologies for being absent for so long... I normally say we're busy and it's normally a good thing. Right now we're busy and I'm all over the place and it's not the best thing. However, I'm incredibly thankful that I'm able to be wherever I need to be whenever I need to be there. This generally hasn't been a place to spill emotions, but here are some things that are going on:

A New York New Year (+ Resolutions)

If you've followed me since last year (or even the year before - yikes!), you might recall that I am not a fan of resolutions and never make them. However, now that I'm slightly older, yet much wiser, I've decided to amend that decision. It doesn't hurt to kick off the new year on a positive note with some nice goals in mind. I started thinking about what I should resolve to do and out of pure unoriginality all I could come up with were health resolutions -- which honestly don't make that much sense for me. Get ready to hate me: I don't really like dessert, I kind of never eat sugar, I drink so much water that I constantly have to pee, and I don't have too much trouble motivating myself to exercise. My insides are pretty safe and sound.